Back on the World Massage Championship 🇩🇰

This weekend, the Green Spa team went to Copenhagen to attend the World massage championship Organized by L’International Massage Association. And not surprisingly, the event has exceeded all our expectations!
If you follow us on the networks, you were able to attend the prices and prices by proxy thanks to our live and to our stories. Besides, a big thank you for having so many to react and Encourage your favorite masseurs.
If you have not followed the event, don't worry: we tell you everything today!
An event where benevolence reigns
Competitions in the world of massage and well-being do not look like any other. And for good reason: all those present are not only there to win the medals.
Indeed, when you work in the world of well-being, it necessarily involves having a certain dose of kindness. And above all, a beautiful amount of passion ! Now, who says passion, necessarily says want to transmit it.
It is for this reason that each time the Green Spa team went to a championship, we attended the birth of a real network. Because the well-being professionals who are there, are there not only to show their innovative massage techniques, But also to learn news and to meet other masseurs who share their passion.
We are far from a competition basic, where participants take bad looks: the World massage championship took place in a motivated and enthusiastic atmosphere. Everyone was happy to be there, and it's nice to see!
In the 4 corners of the place, there were masseurs exchanging, and even in the process of massage In order to relax before the tests. It was an extraordinary experience, to do at least once in a life!
2 intense days for participants in 9 categories
The championship started on Friday 27 on Friday with workshops and conferences on the world of massage. The Green Spa team was able to participate in it, and discover the latest innovations in the field of well-being in the United States, Canada but also in Asia ... Yes, that's it all The advantage of an international massage championship : All countries get started!
It was not until Saturday morning that all participants and jurors gathered, for the first meetings. The advantage of this championship is that there was something for everyone in massage.
Indeed, the organizers have realized that in recent years, the new features around the massage have exploded. And this is a very good thing: more and more massers form and create their own massage techniques, thanks to what they learn in schools and in the field.
On occasion, to allow all masseurs And masseuses To flourish fully (and to stand out) in their discipline, there were no less than 9 possible massage categories:
- Swedish massage
- Thai massage
- Well-being massage and spa
- Freestyle massage inspired by oriental methods
- Freestyle massage inspired by Western methods
- Sitting massage
- Sports massage
- Face massage
- Body Shape Massage
Participants could choose one or Several massage categories in which contribute. And they also had to receive the massages of their peers during the other tests, in order to vary the pleasures and to discover new universes.
From Saturday 8:30 a.m. to Sunday 4 p.m., the massages And tests were chained, to the delight of the Green Spa team who was able to attend several unusual meetings.
A solid French mass team!
As always, the French came in force during this international championship. Not only to demonstrate the quality of French massages in the world, But also because French masseurs know each other, and constitute a very beautiful team. There is no need to say: in France, we are well represented!
Over the events, we were able to attend the Original massages of Tony Malfone, of David Grand, of Marius Massage, d ’Omiri, of Pozen Massages, of Brice Avon, of Ludovic Mayor... and many more!
It was a real pleasure to be able to circulate between all the rooms to see them at work. In each room, there was a special massage category. This also made it possible to highlight that, even if we often find the same categories in the world of well-being, each universe is so unique.
You will not have two masseurs which apprehend the sports massage or the slimming massage in the same way. And it was very impressive to note that this is the case even in the context of classic and very "framed" massages like Swedish massage. Passionate masseurs always show originality: what a pleasure.
The little + of Green Spa:
Even if we did not have the chance to get a massage, we realized something: Watch the others get a massage, It’s relaxing! Several times, the members of the team have been surprised to film a massage and Follow the masseur's hypnotic movements or masseuse For several tens of minutes.
Between soft music and the languor of Complex and technical massages, it was a real pleasure. A busy weekend, full of emotions and sweetness, that we are not about to forget.
See you next year!