Déborah, a day in the life of the brilliant sales of Green Spa

Déborah, une journée dans la vie de la commerciale éclatante de Green Spa

At Green Spa, you've probably already had the opportunity to speak with Déborah, our dynamic and warm sales. 

But do you really know what she does on a daily basis? Today, we are revealing its role and missions within our company, as well as its favorite products from Green Spa.

A successful course

Déborah joined our team in November 2023, after working in the commercial sector of a building company. ""Professional cosmetics fascinate me much more!"She confides. 

From its beginnings at Green Spa, it focused on customer relations, calling our customers after their orders to collect their impressions and improve our products thanks to their feedback.

Various and fulfilling missions

"I started by taking care of customer relations, "explains Déborah. 

"I contacted the customers to find out how their deliveries had gone and what they thought of our products.

This direct contact with beauticians, masseuses, spa managers and other professionals allowed him to create solid relationships and actively contribute to the improvement of our products. 

"Thanks to exchanges with clients, we have for example reformulated our sugar scrub so that it is less fatty and better suited to professional use."

A human interaction and enriching with you!

Over the course of the interview, Déborah tells us particularly to appreciate the interactive aspect of his work. 

"Being in direct contact with the users of our products is very enriching. They share their feedback, their needs and their successes, which allows me to closely follow the evolution of their companies.

Since March 2024, it has also been in charge of developing our new facial range. ""I request our customers to know their expectations in terms of facial care, in order to create a range that perfectly meets their needs. "

Exciting perspectives within Green Spa

Currently, Green Spa is working on a new range of facial treatments, scheduled for the fall of 2024. "We collaborate closely with the laboratory to develop products that meet the expectations of our customers!"Explains Déborah. 

This range, according to the indications of the clients questioned will include a cleaning jelly, a grainless scrub, a face oil without essential oils, a moisturizing mask in gel, a moisturizing serum, a moisturizer and an anti-aging cream.

In parallel, we also prepare the limited edition of Christmas, which promises to be a cocooning, sweet and floral, a real crush on Déborah, which is eager to make you discover it!

Green Spa Deborah team World Massage Championship

What is Deborah's favorite Green Spa treatment?

Choosing a favorite product is not easy for Deborah, but she admits to having a preference for Neroli and Bergamot massage oil. ""Its lemony side is perfect for summer, "she said with enthusiasm.

A message for our customers and employees?

To conclude, Deborah encourages all our customers to contact her without hesitation. ""I am always delighted to answer your questions and chat with you. Do not hesitate to call me! "

At Green Spa, we are happy to count Deborah among us, a passionate and dedicated salesperson, which contributes every day to improve our relationship with you, our dear customers.

And you, what is your favorite green spa product?