Buy your massage oil in natural and organic stores

Acheter son huile de massage dans les magasins naturels et bio

When it comes to Take care of your skin and well-being, massage oils play a central role. 

Indeed, they are a great way to hydrate the skin, of relieve muscle tensions and to provide a moment of relaxation incomparable. What could be better, a Friday evening after a tough week of work, than Mass at home With good massage oil?

Only downside: when we talk about massage oil, you have to choose it carefully. It must be organic, natural, do not stain, hydrates the skin without grease it ... In short, the selection is rigorous!

SO, Where to buy your massage oil ?

Among all the available choices, you can bet on ease by going to the Organic massage oil store closest to you.

But why?

And how to choose the Best massage oil?

Green Spa explains everything to you, to bet on the quality and on the sustainability In massage oil stores!

Why buy massage oils in natural and organic stores?

Natural and organic stores have become references in terms of well-being and products skin care. 

These shops are distinguished in particular by a rigorous selection of environmentally friendly products and often from sustainable sectors. 

Regarding massage oils, they position themselves as experts capable of offering high quality oils.

Discover some reasons to go to the organic massage oil store to buy your care!

1 - The transparency of the composition of massage oils

The first reason to turn to these brands is the transparency of the products offered. 

Massage oils available in organic stores are generally formulated with natural ingredients, without harmful chemicals, without parabens, and often from organic farming. 

More concretely, the absence of controversial substances ensures better tolerance by skin, especially for people with Sensitive or reactive skin.

2 - The support of the local economy

These stores also put a point of honor to enhance the work of local producers or Small cooperatives which respect the craft and natural methods. 

It is not uncommon to find in their Cold pressed massage oils rays, which guarantees the Preservation of essential nutrients content in raw materials like almonds, THE apricot nuclei or the Musk pink. This care taken in production is reflected in the final quality of oils.

3 - Traceability and ethical commitment

Finally, another crucial aspect that distinguishes the Natural and organic stores is product traceability. 

Unlike supermarkets or to more general signs, these stores are away to know the Provenance of the ingredients Used in their massage oils. 

Traceability ensures that each oil comes from a reliable source, and makes it possible to verify whether production practices respect high standards in terms of sustainable development and environmental protection.

It is for this reason that in massage oil stores, you will often find labels and certifications Ecocert, organic cosmos or nature & progress.

What are the criteria for choosing a massage oil store?

When deciding to go to a Natural or organic store To buy a massage oil, it is essential to know how to spot a quality product. 

The composition of massage oil

For example take care to check the composition of oil. A good massage oil should only contain a few natural ingredients. THE labels indicating a long list of chemical components are to be avoided. 

The ideal is to opt for a 100 % pure and natural oil, with active agents such as jojoba oil, sweet almond, argan, or even apricot nucleus.

The oil extraction method

Then the manufacturing method is another key criterion. As mentioned above, cold pressed oils are to be favored, because this process allows Keep the natural properties of oils, especially vitamins, THE Essential fatty acids and antioxidants

These nutrients are essential to feed the skin in depth and optimize the benefits of a massage.

The type of packaging

The type of packaging is also important. In natural stores, it is common to find oils packaged in amber glass bottles, which protect oils from light and potential alterations. 

In comparison, a plastic bottle could not only degrade the quality of the oil, But also release unwanted particles.

The scent of massage oil

Finally, pay attention to the smell of oil. In an organic store, you will often find unrefumed oils or slightly flavored with natural essential oils. 

These oils offer a healthier alternative to synthetic oils often used in large distribution products. 

It's up to you to vary the pleasures over the seasons!

And if you can, do not hesitate to Test the texture of oils : The latter must slide on the skin without hanging it, and especially without staining clothes.

Ask for advisers in organic massage oil stores!

When going to a massage oil store, do not hesitate to Ask for advice.

Unlike other points of sale where employees do not necessarily have a in -depth training on products Let them sell, organic shops are often held by enthusiasts of well-being and natural cosmetics.

If you have a sensitive skin or specific needs, advisers will be able to direct you to best suited products. 

For example, they can explain the benefits of different essential oils To support your basic vegetable oil, or recommend personalized mixes to meet your needs in terms of relaxation, of regeneration of the skin, or relief of muscle pain.

All the advantages of buying your massage oil in a natural store

Buy your massage oil in a natural or organic store is a judicious decision for anyone who wishes to take care of his body in a healthy and environmentally friendly manner. Without forgetting that this is often a fairly easy option!

However, massage oil stores often have only one small stock, which does not always concern all skin types.

So depending on your needs, this is not necessarily the best option.

Ask for advice from Green Spa To choose the best massage oil for your home massages!