Do not neglect a primordial criterion: the type of massage oil extraction!

In the world of massage oils, Quality and efficiency depend on many criteria, including theE Type of Massage Oil Extraction plays a key role.
This process, which determines the way the oils are obtained from plants, fruits or seeds, influences their properties directly, purity and their ability has nourish the skin or act on the muscles. In other words: this is really a selection criterion not to be missed for Know which massage oil to choose !
Green Spa helps you understand everything to make the best choices for you.
Everything to understand cold extraction
Let's start with the best type of extraction massage oil: Cold extraction.
Cold extraction, also called cold pressure, is a respectful method of raw materials.
It consists of press the seeds, THE nut or the fruits at a controlled temperature, generally less than 50 ° C, in order to preserve their natural properties.
This process requires no chemicals, which guarantees a pure and unrefined oil, rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants.
The oils obtained by cold pressure are particularly recommended for massages, as they keep their Therapeutic benefits.
For example, Coconut oil Or Sweet almond oil extracted cold offer exceptional nourishing properties and quickly penetrate into the skin, without leaving a fatty film. The top of the top for relaxing and natural massages, like them Ayurvedic massages.
What are the effects of hot extraction?
Unlike cold pressure, Hot extraction implies an important temperature rise to extract the Maximum raw material oil.
This method is often used in Industrial contexts to increase yields, as it allows you to extract a larger amount of oil From the same ingredients.
However, the heat often affects Sensitive compounds like them vitamins and antioxidants, thus reducing the overall quality of oil.
For massage, hot extracted oils may have different characteristics. They tend to be more light in texture but less rich in active beneficial for the skin.
Although they can suit general uses or in contexts where purity is not essential, they will not be Effective for targeted massages or for specialized care, as hydration in depth or the relaxation muscular.
Especially since they are generally considered to be less effective than cold extracted massage oils.
Should we opt for chemical extraction?
Finally, another extraction method used in The cosmetic industry is chemical extraction, often made Using solvents. And among all Massage oil extractions, This is the one Green Spa recommends the least!
This process allows Produce oils at a reduced cost, which explains their prevalence in mass products.
However, the use of chemical solvents, like hexane (to name it), can leave residues in the final oil, asking questions about the safety and compatibility with the skin.
Avoid at all costs!
Refined unfined vs oils: which ones to choose?
Beyond the extraction, the refinement is an additional step that can be added.
It consists of Filter the oil to remove the impurities, but it can also eliminate precious nutrients. Refined oils, often inodores and uniform color, are common in large distribution products.
Although they are sometimes useful for avoid marked smells or textures, They often lack wealth in beneficial active ingredients.
On the other hand, unrefined oils, often from cold extraction, are rich in nutrients. These oils, like Argan oil or avocado oil, retain their natural qualities, which makes them ideal for massages.
They bring a pleasant texture, a Subtle natural fragrance and regenerating properties that promote the well-being of the skin and muscle tissues.
Choose the massage oil extraction according to your needs
When you choose a massage oil, take into account the lenses of your care.
For a Relaxing massage intended to soothe muscle tensions, an oil rich in Fat acids and cold extracted, as hazelnut oil Or sesame oil, will be particularly beneficial.
For more targeted massages, such as Sports recovery care, organic massage oil extracted cold containing specific natural assets, such as plant extracts, offers a more suitable solution.
On the other hand, if you are looking for a neutral oil for daily use or mix with essential oils, a slightly refined oil but Without chemical solvents may be suitable.
The important thing is to check the labels and favor organic or natural certified oils like those of Green Spa, which guarantee a respectful extraction process raw materials and your skin.
With Green Spa massage oils, discover extraction as a guarantee of quality
The choice of Good massage oil is not based solely on its properties of texture or sound scent : THE Extraction type is a decisive criterion, which we do not think enough!
In any case, make your choice according to The goal of your massages. And if you have a doubt, do not hesitate to ask Green Spa for advice: we will be delighted to help you choose the best massage oils for you.