Natural cosmetics supplier: ethics, an essential value

The impeccable ethics of a natural cosmetics supplier

Have good natural products , offer well-being massages, listen to customers and their feedback... Among all the things to do well for the sustainability of your eco-friendly institute or spa , there is an element that we sometimes forget: choice from the wholesaler of organic cosmetics for professionals!

By extension, the quality of what you offer depends on your natural cosmetics supplier .

And in particular the ethical principles which govern its production. But how to recognize the values ​​of a supplier ?

How to identify the right courses of action? More concretely: how to make the right choices for your institute or spa?

At Green Spa, our goal is the health of your business . We help you find the answers to all your questions!

How to identify the principles
ethics of a supplier?

It is often said that it is those who say the most who do the least. And it’s a quote that also finds its place in choosing the right supplier of organic cosmetic products!

It very often happens that an organic cosmetics brand claims to be vegan , environmentally friendly or otherwise… And then a scandal breaks out.

A scandal which reveals problems of mistreatment, exploitation, modern slavery… In short, every possible and imaginable horror.

To avoid entering into a collaboration with a disrespectful and hypocritical brand, there is only one solution: find out. A lot, and for a long time!

Finding out a supplier's ethics takes time. But the game is worth it.

Focus on the clues that allow you to better understand a brand of cosmetic and care products!

How to identify the principles
ethics of a supplier?

When you begin your search for a supplier, your first instinct is very human: you search on the internet. You come across the wholesalers' website, their commercial catalogs ... In short, a phenomenal amount of paperwork, which can discourage you. Essential oils, aloe vera creams, body care … All organic beauty products come one after the other and are similar.

But now is not the time to give up! Even though it is designed for marketing , this commercial paperwork is still very useful. This is your first glimpse, your first impression. And sometimes, it's the right one.

Take the time to study the supplier's website , or scour their commercial catalogs.

Between the color chart used, the composition of natural cosmetic products , the advantages highlighted... You have a plethora of clues, which give you a first idea of ​​the true nature of your possible future wholesaler.

Practical tip: The tone used on a supplier's website can be a very good indication. Is he familiar and friendly? Or on the contrary formal and official? This is a great way to know what type of supplier you are dealing with.

Ask other customers of the
natural cosmetics supplier

The second way to learn more about your wholesaler's ethical orientation is to ask other customers for their opinions. It’s even a highly recommended step! Before embarking on a long-term collaboration and signing all the papers, ask around.

The advantage of asking other institutes and spas for their opinions is that you are speaking to people who have the same problems as you. Choose natural or ecological spas that resemble yours.

The point is to compare what is comparable: inevitably, your opinion will not be the same as that of a large hotel spa, focused on well-being and not on ecological cosmetology. Do you see the logic?

Practical tip: To be put in touch with institutes that are similar to yours, why not join the groups created by beauticians? Whether they are unofficial like on Facebook, or official like in the Nouvelles Esthétiques magazine, it's always a great opportunity!

What ethical values ​​to look for
at a cosmetics wholesaler?

You scour the site of your future supplier. You read his leaflets. But concretely, you ask yourself “ what exactly am I looking for?” ”. It's not about finding the little needle in a haystack, it's about recognizing the clues. And to know how to interpret them.

These are the criteria that characterize good ethics for a supplier of organic cosmetics.

Respect for customers

The very first thing we look for as an institute is often obvious. It's about respecting customers . Their skin, their well-being, their preferences… The list goes on! And it's the kind of thing that you notice without difficulty, when you take the time to look a little closer.

For example, what information is highlighted on the composition of natural beauty products? Is it the dynamism of the skin? Revitalization? Or softness and well-being?

Are massage oils designed to dry quickly?

Do organic facial treatments respect the slightly oily side of the T zone?

Are the active ingredients of natural origin or of animal origin?

So many questions, we don't know where to turn! But rest assured: the answers are quite simple to find.

Without necessarily focusing on each product carefully, you can read the product compositions diagonally. See descriptions, natural ingredients . This allows you to get a global and precise idea of ​​what your supplier takes to heart.

What are we looking for?

We want a supplier who offers a varied range of cosmetics , for all skin types . And for all preferences. If it’s of natural or plant origin , it’s even better!

Respect for institutes

Once you've got an idea of ​​your supplier's interest in customers, it's time to think a little more... Selfish , shall we say.

Because of course, the sustainability of your institute or spa depends on the quality of cosmetic treatments . And therefore customer satisfaction.

But in a very down-to-earth way, the sustainability of your spa also depends on your financial health.

However, your financial health must be one of the things that your wholesaler keeps in mind. We are not asking that this be our main concern ( you still have to be realistic ). But at least keep in mind that your purchasing power as a beautician is very important.

To do this, the website of a supplier of organic and natural cosmetics speaks for itself. Does he mention the resale of beauty products ? The margin coefficient?

If so, you can be sure of one thing: it is a cosmetics brand that cares about you and the well-being of your institute. A real plus in the long term!

What are we looking for?

A supplier of natural cosmetics who takes your best interests at heart!

Someone for whom your financial health is one of their main directives.

Basically, a supplier who talks about your purchasing power and your earnings from the resale of beauty products . The fact of mentioning it already means that he takes it into account. And that’s way more than most wholesalers!

Respect for the planet

Finally, let's not forget one thing: you are the head of a spa or an ecological institute . How can you claim to be green when you work with a supplier who doesn't care? This is therefore the last ethical value that we seek when collaborating with a wholesaler: concern for the environment!

Everything is noted in the composition of the cosmetics. Ingredients of natural origin , floral waters , active ingredients inspired by plants and fruits... The most beautiful things that nature does must be made available to your customers.

What are we looking for?

An environmentally friendly supplier, who claims to be vegan , cruelty free, organic… And above all, a supplier who keeps his commitments.

If you want a fairly concrete indicator, labels and certifications are excellent indicators.

Everything you need to know to choose wisely
your supplier of natural cosmetics

Working with a natural cosmetics supplier who follows the same values ​​as you is essential. Because your institute concerns the well-being of customers: you must therefore be convinced that the products of your wholesaler are the best.

A supplier of natural cosmetics who cares about you, the planet and your customers: this is the sine qua non condition for a pleasant and simplified daily life.

But not only !

Choosing the right supplier of organic cosmetics for an ecological institute also means looking into other questions. If you want to know more, we explain everything in these articles: