What is a curator?
What is a curator?

Even today and despite the various regulations, THE Cosmetic products labels can be a real mystery.
Even working in the world of beauty, it always happens that we do not understand exactly what is the product that is applied ... which can be a problem, as Manager of a beauty salon !
Among the ingredients that must be known at your fingertips, we find in particular Conservatives in natural cosmetics At the center of scandals many years ago, the conservative Have a hard life, even today.
You never know what to expect: there are preservatives in this or that product, But is it really a bad thing?
Or is it, in reality, a ingredient necessary ?
What is really hidden behind the notion of cosmetic curator ?
To help you choose the best products for your client, Green Spa gives you all the information on the conservatives in the cosmetic field.
The definition of a cosmetic curator
First of all, it is essential to stop on the Definition of cosmetic curator: What do we mean by that? What is a curator?
It is actually a definition given by Regulation 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and the Council.
During a gathering focused on cosmetics, they defined the conservatives as "substances which are exclusively or mainly intended to prevent the development of microorganisms in the cosmetic product ”.
The idea is therefore simple: the conservatives are full ingredients of cosmetics. They simply serve to make sure that the product does not run, does not expire and retains its quality in all circumstances.
Whether it is a temperature change or a change in humidity rate : Thanks to the Conservatives, your cosmetic products remain in very good condition.
The presence of Conservatives in a cosmetics is thus a legal obligation, For a fairly simple reason. In all cosmetics, there are traces of water.
However, water is an ingredient that creates a favorable environment to the development of microorganisms and bacteria.
To make it short: Without the Conservatives, your creams, scrubs And oils would become sick nests. Without forgetting that their scent formerly so delicate could turn very quickly.

What is the use of a conservative in cosmetics?
The use of Conservatives in cosmetics is therefore essential to prevent them from being damaged over time.
No contamination, no development of bacteria during the formulation, transport, storage: cosmetics remains in perfect condition, in all circumstances.
Good to know:
In addition to the preservatives, we often use antioxidants. They guarantee the maintenance of cosmetics in good condition, despite the Put in contact with oxygen After the product has been opened.
How is the conservative choice in a cosmetics?
THE preservatives are ingredients Indispensable in cosmetics, it is a fact.
But who chooses which preservative will be used in such or such cream?
The choice of conservative actually depends on the formulation Used for the entire product. It also depends on the galenic developed, which corresponds to the type of product.
For example, the conservative will not be the same depending on if you have a cream, a oil or a Aqueous solution.
The conservative selection criteria are also based on the cosmetics manufacturing process, and on the target audience. Thus, the conservative will not be the same in a baby cream and in a Face scrub for adults.