Choose a massage oil for massaged needs

Choisir une huile de massage pour les massés aux besoins particuliers

Massage oil is much more than a simple Support for treatment. 

She nourishes the skin, Help relaxation and maybe enriched with targeted assets To respond to specific needs. 

However, choose massage oil ideal request to take into account the particularities of each individual. All the more when you know that Some categories of people have special needs!

And precisely, for what customers it takes Pay attention to massage oil that you choose?

And how to choose a massage oil for Massed to specific needs?

Green Spa tells you everything.

Pregnant women: sweetness and safety above all

Pregnancy is a unique period when the body undergoes many changes. 

The choice of a Massage oil for pregnant women must above all Respect their increased sensitivity. 

THE essential oils, for example, are often not recommended during this period due to their active components that can interfere with the development of the fetus.

Instead, favor Pure vegetable oils, as Apricot core oil Or Sweet almond oil, known for their sweetness and their Ability to feed the skin in depth. 

These oils also prevent the sensations of tightness and contribute to Improve skin elasticity, an important asset to avoid stretch marks. The massage then becomes a moment of relaxation and connection For the future mother.

And of course, special attention must be paid to the scents: strong odors can be poorly tolerated due to frequent nausea during pregnancy. 

Babies: delicacy and comfort

And what about babies?

The skin of babies is 5 times finer than that of an adult, which makes it particularly vulnerable

A Baby massage oil must be adapted to their sensitive skin at all costs. 

For example, the Organic oils, cold pressed And unrefined, guarantee optimal quality and the absence of chemicals or irritants.

Calendula oil is particularly recommended for baby massages. Known for its soothing and restorative properties, it protects the delicate skin from irritation while providing a feeling of comfort. 

Coconut oil Fractional is also an excellent option thanks to its lightness and its ability to hydrate without obstructing pores.

Sensitive skin: a tailor -made response

Pregnant women, babies ... Adults can also have skins with special needs.

THE Sensitive skinss, for example, quickly react to cosmetic products and can develop redness, of the irritation or burning sensations If the treatment used is not suitable. 

For that, the natural and organic oils without additives neither Artificial perfumes are to be preferred.

Even after choosing sensitive skin oil, It is important to test the oil on a small skin area before performing a full massage. This precaution makes it possible to identify possible allergic reactions. 

Hair: suitable treatments for scalp

Another sensitive area of ​​the body: hair. Indeed, massage of the scalp stimulates the bloodstream, thus promoting the Hair growth. But he also provides deep relaxation. However, Not all of the hair leathers tolerate the same oils.

For dry hair leathers, castor oil or argan oil are ideal. They nourish intensely, strengthen the roots and help reduce dandruff. 

On the other hand, for Fat hair leathers, favor light oil like grape chip oil Or Jojoba oil, which hydrates without weighing down.

Hair oil So depends on the nature of the scalp of your massé!

Face: special attention

Finally, the face is also a delicate area that requires Specific care. 

Facial massages should not only relax, but also provide benefits in terms of radiance and hydration. THE Face oils used must be non -comedogenic and adapted to the skin type.

For dry skin, Musk rose oil is a wise choice. Enriched with essential fatty acids, it helps restore the skin barrier and reduce signs of fatigue. 

Mixed to oily skins can opt forr hazelnut oil, light and regulatory, which reduces excess sebum while respecting the sensitivity of the skin.

Facial massage can also integrate Movements from techniques like the Kobido, a Japanese practice that stimulates acupressure points and improves skin firmness. The application of the oil must always be done smoothly, with ascending gestures To avoid shooting the tissues.

Choose a massage oil: consider all the criteria!

Choose a massage oil, It’s a way to take care of individuals in their singularity. 

Whether it's pregnant women, of babies, of Sensitive skins or specific care for hair and face, Each need finds an answer in the richness of natural vegetable oils.

Taking the time to analyze the expectations of each person allows you to create a unique and personalized experience, where Well-being and efficiency come together. 

To make sure you make the right choices in massage oil, ask for advice from Green Spa!