Natural cosmetic products: choose them according to their composition

Natural cosmetic products: choose them according to their composition

Inasmuch as manager of an institute or a spa, impossible not to find out before choosing your cosmetics. Are they of good quality? Do they have the right texture? THE scents Will they please your customers?

These questions arise, whether for Massage oils or the Care creams. This is also a questioning that must be kept in a corner of your head, when you choose your Supplier of organic cosmetics for ecological institute.

At Green Spa, we know that Select cosmetic products is not an easy task. So to help you choose them well, here is a little advice: take into account their Natural components!

Choose your natural cosmetic products depending on the components

But why take the time to study natural components?”You will ask us.

Well, simply because the components of natural cosmetic products are the basis of their quality. You have probably already realized that selecting the products that you use is an arduous task.

All the more when you only have it only helps the Commercial catalog of your wholesaler. At Green Spa, we have finally deduced that the best way to understand the quality of a product from a catalog is to study your natural components.

As in the food field, it is the quality of raw materials Who makes the quality of the finished product! But in the same way that there are lots of Organic cosmetic products for them spas And institutes, there is a phenomenal quantity of natural components different.

Here is a little guide to understand their role, and learn to identify the components natural quality natural.

Plant extracts in organic cosmetic products

Very high in the list of natural components of cosmetic products, There are plant extracts.

Plant extracts in Organic cosmetic products come from plants. In general, they are obtained by plunging the plant in question in a solvent. This solvent can be glycerin, of alcohol or simply water.

You are aware that plants like Aloe vera or the calendula have many benefits for the skin. The interest of Plant extract is then to extract from the Plant petrol. We keep them natural assets of the plant, which can be transferred directly to the Cosmetic product.

Without intermediary, to keep all the positive effect!

Each plant extract is chosen according to the part of the plant that contains the asset, and the benefits that we are looking for. For example, aloe vera has effects anti-inflammatory And healing very appreciated in body and face care.

The calendula, on the other hand, is a antibacterial and a antioxidant that we particularly appreciate during massages.

These are two very reliable plant extracts. To ensure their quality, you can choose a supplier of cosmetics working with a laboratory independent. Thus, you guarantee the quality of your products.


Another natural component that we very often find in cosmetics in institutes : Vegetable oils. Absolutely essential for texture Creams, Massage treatments and oils, THE vegetable oils have many advantages for the skin.

Indeed, the Organic massage oils often bring a delicate touch thanks to the use oils quality. Overall, you will not be able to be disappointed with the quality of an oil as a natural component.

However, there are better oils than others, for the body and the face. For example, if your Organic cosmetic vegetable oil supplier offers you products made from macadamia oil, of jojoba or d’Sweet almond, you can go there without fear.

They are all oils enough oily To hydrate the skin. And when they are well handled in the laboratory, they take this “non-crushed” texture which dries quickly enough not to try the clothes after a treatment.

Take advantage of the benefits that nature offers you!


THE alcohol are always a subject that can frighten esthetician. But in reality, the organic natural cosmetic products also have a certain Alcohol content.

Often used to capture odoriferous molecules in flavored products, alcohol can also be found in organic cosmetics which guarantee a dry touch. Simply because it evaporates quickly: a real asset in the world of cosmetics.

However, the presence of alcohol does not bother the quality of the product. On the contrary, since alcohol can be naturally, and have essential conservation properties in a Beauty product.

You can find, in the composition of your organic cosmetics, appellations like Denat alcohol., Or benzyl, Ceyl ... These incomprehensible names have something to panic us.

But in reality, it can be fatty alcohols of natural origin. There is no fear to have: they are not dangerous for the skin, and do not trigger reactions allergic.

A guarantee of quality for your beauty products !


We have mentioned the capacities of alcohol conservation. But know that it is also possible (and even very common) to find Conservatives in natural cosmetic products. And there again, this does not question the biological dimension of a cosmetics at all.

THE conservative are indeed essential in products intended for future use, or resale. As is the case in spas and institutes.

The reason they are so important is because they prevent the development of microorganisms within the product. Neither bacteria, nor mushrooms: cosmetics is guaranteed healthy, during its entire duration of use.

And the development of bacteria is not the only problem that conservatives solve. Without conservative, it is possible that the smell of a product turns, that the texture is altered, that color changes ... These are developments due to aging and time. Developments which, sometimes, can be dangerous.

The conservative is therefore the Quality Guardian of a Organic cosmetic product. It is generally even a legal obligation. And that does not pervert the natural dimension of cosmetics! Simply because there are preservatives of natural origin, that we often use in organic products.

These are chosen according to product type, of the texture sought after and pH. For example, Benzoic acid, salicylic, sorbique or dehydroacetic and their salts are conservatives who find their roots in nature.

What could be better than preserving the quality of a cosmetics, while exploiting the assets transmitted by nature?

Essential oils in natural cosmetic products

A natural component that you will frequently find in cosmetics: Essential oils in organic beauty products. Their reputation is well established, they are real little gems in terms of scents, of benefits and health benefits.

They treat migraines, pain and aches, they boost the moral And make us feel better. So why not use them in natural cosmetics?

As you already know, there are more than a hundred essential oils ! If the supplier you are interested in, you can ask him where he is providing him.

It is rare that a essential oil Either of poor quality, but you have nothing to lose inquire. Acquire the certainty that you work with products 100% natural, that is priceless!

Oily macerates

Finally, the last natural component that you are likely to find in Organic cosmetics for professionals are oily macerates.

A oily macerat is a natural component from a technique extraction particular. Unlike plant extracts, You are not infusing a plant in water. But in an oil selected upstream.

The latter then behaves like a solvent, and recovers all active properties of the plant. As well as its perfume, and sometimes even its taste (Even if it is a criterion that does not necessarily interest us in an institute!).

Oily macerates are particularly present in the domain of natural cosmetics. Because this extraction technique makes it possible to mix the benefits of plants, with the benefits of oils. Everything we need to have 100% organic cosmetic products, with natural extraction techniques!

Like essential oils, quality of macerates is often excellent. Do not hesitate to inquire to find out the benefits of each macerat, and the reason for its presence in a particular cosmetics.

To give you an example, the Organic green oily macerat is often used for its properties antioxidants, as well as its toning effect. The oily organic carrot macerat is perfect for fighting the aging of the skin.

Natural components
of your organic cosmetic products

Once at the head of an institute, you must choose your natural cosmetic products with the greatest care. Simply because the image of your spa or institute depends greatly on the Cosmetics quality that you offer!

And the best way of not being disappointed is to study the composition closely. Analyze the natural components of cosmetics, and make an informed choice on the effects you are looking for.

First of all, having the right products involves choosing the right supplier of organic cosmetics for institutes and spas. Here are some tips not to be mistaken: