Cosmetic organic label: knowing everything to make the right choices

Everything about organic cosmetic certifications and labels

Choose the right organic cosmetics wholesaler, it is above all to locate the good products. You skimmed the market cosmetic To choose your supplier: you end up with commercial catalogs to only know.

Don't panic! Green Spa helps you choose the right ones Organic cosmetic products.

Between butters, oils And scrubs, you no longer know where to turn. Without forgetting the composition of the products, which you do not really manage to decipher. What is Bentizo ... Bentelyn ... Finally the thing that ends with "OL", there?

To make the right choices for your SPA or Biological Institute, this is the first combination: look at them Labels and certifications!

But there too, there are plenty. Some are colorful, others not, they sometimes have the same name without having the same definition ...

In the universe of Ecological and organic cosmetics, Understanding labels and certifications is essential. Between environmental impact, animal welfare and respect for the planet : Green Spa gives you all the information to understand organic labels and certifications for care Natural cosmetics.

The biological cosmetic label and certifications:
what is this ?

Instead of spending your afternoon trying to understand the not at all natural compositions of so-called products “biological”Trust labels and certifications!

But yes, you know, these little acronyms affixed to the label of each Beauty product? They are often green, discreet but still visible.

They are not only there to make it pretty: labels allow brands to affirm that their product meets requirements in terms of quality, original or manufacturing process. And for that, each label their preferences! This is why there are so many and that we get lost: everyone protects their own values, and defends what he wants.

Certifications, on the other hand, are supervised by law. They are issued by independent organizations, Who check that brands and products meet the requirements imposed.

More simply: labels are awarded by Certifying organizations (To avoid being judge and part, they entrust this task to external organizations). It is these certifying organizations that make audits on the quality and traceability of products, and decide if such or such natural cosmetics deserves a label.

And in addition to label, certifying organizations sometimes create their own certifications. The latter follow the same logic, but often have even more sharp requirements.

Spa labels

How to recognize a
Ecological certified product?

Recognize a Certified cosmetics is not necessarily very complicated. THE Cosmetic products certifications are affixed in a very visible way, often on the label slice. However, the question is complicated when it comes to knowing what Labels and certifications group together. But we will come back to it.

Each product certified has the obligation to present the certifications mentions on its packaging. Beyond the acronym, you will also find on the box or the bottle:

  • The percentage of natural and organic origin
  • The certifier that carried out control
  • THE specifications on which he relied

If you have a doubt about the label or organic certification, Or if the composition is not clear, you can ask your organic cosmetics wholesaler. If it takes your heart to heart, it will give you all the answers you need!

The labels of the brands of
Organic and natural cosmetics

Now let's go to the labels. We have already seen the difference between certification and label in the cosmetics world. THE Organic cosmetic label serves to assert that this or that product is respectful of health, the environment, animals, skin ...

It all depends on what the Nature label cross -check. Again, labels each have their own criteria. There is not really a ecological label better than another: it actually depends on what you are looking for in your products.

For example, if your institute focuses on the respect and care of animals, you may seek the label Vegan And Cruelty Free. He indicates that the cosmetics has not been tested on animals.

Cosmébio, nature and progress, natrue, AB for Products from organic farming… Many labels concern respect for the planet and the environment. Often they congratulate Organic brands which favor natural ingredients and of vegetable origin.

The practical tip:

The advantage being that we now know that the labels are awarded by Independent organizations : You can therefore be sure that the cosmetics on which they are affixed respects the defined specifications.

And trust ecological cosmetic products That you offer in your institute, it is essential!

Essential organic certifications
natural cosmetics

Then come the certifications. Like what we could see before, the Cosmetic certifications are allocated by the same independent organizations. But unlike the labels, the rules to be observed are imposed by law.

To ask to obtain a Cosmetic certification, it is the producer brand that must follow a whole approach.

Thus, to obtain certification Ecocert, at Green Spa, we had to make the request to the certifier Before even offering our cosmetics for sale. The interest being that we made sure that the composition and the creation process were made in compliance with the specifications.

Then, the Ecocert certifier made sure that our cosmetics responded well to the categories concerned by certification. What is the case, since Ecocert is a certification which is only addressed to cosmetics.

Finally, we had to do a whole test battery, study the composition and the process of creating Green Spa products. It is only after these tests and checks, that we were able to obtain the Ecocert certification.

The advantage of certifications is that very often, they are valid for 1 year. This means that the request must be made regularly, and give way to an equally regular verification. There Quality of certified products is therefore assured!

The organic cosmetic label for
Choose your beauty products

In the world of cosmetic, it is important to know everything that is happening in the products. Whether at the stadium of composition, from the creation or production, labels and certifications are of great help! Especially for the spas and institutes that take career ecology. Today, choose well cosmetics It is also exhaustively inquiring about what we offer for sale or in the cabin. And to do this, organic cosmetic labels and certifications are reliable. Distributed by independent organizations, they ensure the product quality, from a health and ethical point of view. An essential verification for any spa or institute! But in the world of cosmetology, it's not just ethics of a supplier who counts. Discover all the other tracks to explore to choose the right cosmetic wholesaler:
  • Revealing index: the notoriety of a supplier of organic cosmetic products